Thursday, May 26, 2016

Re(set) - A collective exhibition, 9-14 May 2016

A few weeks ago, on 9-14 May 2016 at N-Workshop Yogyakarta, I had a collective exhibition together with my lovely friends. The title of the exhibition is Re(set). The theme relates to Self that deals with Other (either symbolic or real). The curator, Mas Hadid, is a very friendly guy who can guide us to make our best concept (even tho I still feel that I'm failing in technical part lol). 10+ artists exhibited their works: Amel, Mas Arya, Mas Budi, Mas Edi, Mas Nanang, Mas Rahmad, Mas Rama, Mas Sony, Nof and me! Mas Iskandar and Pak Koskow later on 3rd/4th day of exhibition displayed their works as well

Honestly, I feel very special during the exhibition because of many reasons :
1. Diyana, a friend of mine from Malaysia came all the way from Kuala Lumpur to help displaying and to visit this exhibition. I still feel sorry cause I didn't give her the best trip like she did when I visited her in KL :(
2. Binar and Ratri, childhood friends from Sumatra, also came to visit. We talked a lot and Ratri even came for drawing together with other participants.
3. I get to exhibit my artworks together with people that I adore!

Here are some photos from the event. Enjoy!
Display team + Diyana! - 8 May 2016
Opening Day - 9 May 2016
Somehow we get to display our works in same room ♥
Book Exchange - 12 May 2016
Ratri. Me, and Binar :3
Mas Hadid, giving a curatorial tour to UIN students - 14 May 2016
Drawing Together Event - 14 May 2016

My favorite work by Amalia Permahani.
I want to say thanks to all people who have supported me, my family, my friends, especially for Mas Arya who always give his words of advice to become a better artist, Mas Rama and Mas Sony for their support and knowledge of technical part, and for Nof who stayed together with me in the last minutes of making the artworks. Love you all!

I will tell you more about my artwork for this exhibition in next post. Ciao!


  1. aku request foto yang ada binar nya yah di post selanjutnya yaa :D *tetep ngemis* *nggembel*

    1. EH! Baru ngeh kalau belum masuk disini! Aku masukin di post ini aja yaa~

  2. Luar biasa! Maju terus yaaa...

    1. Terima kasih, Kak Damar! Aamiin semoga bisa terus berkarya :)

  3. waw. sudah pulang dari Bkk, damar? Selamat ya atas eksibisiny! Kereeeennn! Salam buat NOval btw, hehehe

    1. Halo Tantri~ Sudah, sejak tahun lalu sudah di Jogja lagi, Tantri dimanakah skarang? Terima kasih, yaaa! Siap akan kusampaikan padanya, ehe~


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