Wednesday, December 30, 2009


turned to 17 this year on February 3rd

first-day work at Relax Internet Cafe as an operator on May 28th

graduated from Seven State SHS on June 13th

found out that i'm in love with MS Paint, pencil & coloring marker on July 1st

made this blog on August 17th

my first day at uni-life is on August 28th

got my very first DSLR on December 16th

joined an exhibition on December 16th-23rd

hugs and kisses for everyone :* ♥ xoxo

Monday, December 28, 2009


saya mau takoyaki
ingin coba yang ini

im lost

i like the way you smoke
but it is the way you hurt me

i like the way you speak
but it is the way you hurt me

i like the way you look at me
but it is the way you hurt me

i don't love the way you hurt me
and i don't love you at all

Saturday, December 26, 2009

a letter from nowhere

hai ma, apa kabar? semoga mama baik-baik saja.

aku kangen banget sama mama. udah lama ya kita ngga ngobrol bareng? kita cuma ngobrol kalo ada temen-temenku aja yang dateng ke rumah, biar kita keliatan akrab.

udah kuputusin ma, aku mau berhenti melakukan hal-hal yang yang ngga penting itu.

aku mau berhenti clubbing, uangku benar-benar habis untuk beli minuman-minuman keras itu. ternyata minum-minuman seperti itu tidak membuatku keren ma, itu hanya membuat tubuhku rusak, selain itu ngga ada cowok yang mau deket sama aku, soalnya mulutku bau alkohol.

kata temenku, merokok merusak janin, aku ngga mau bayi dalam perutku ini rusak, aku mau dia tumbuh sehat, makanya aku berhenti ngrokok.

bayi yg ada diperutku ini papanya jelas kok, cuma dia takut aja untuk menemui mama. belum siap katanya. gapapa kan ma?

ma tau ngga, aku sayang banget sama mama. aku takut kehilangan mama. temenku ada yang sms gini ni :

mama selalu cerewet
prnh qt ngomel dia crwt?

prnhkh qt cuekin dia?

prnhkh qt mkir ap yg dia pkirkn?

sbnrnya apa yg dia pkirkn?

tkt ga bs liat qt snyum,nangis/ketawa

tkt ga bs ngajar qt lg

krn wktunya sngkt

saat mama menutup mata

ga da lg yg cerewet

saat qt nangis manggil" dia

apa yg dia bls?
dia cm diam

tp byngnnya ttp dsmping&b'kta

"anakku jgn nangis mama msh dsni
mama msh syg km"

aku takut ma, aku belum siap kalo mama pergi, ngga akan pernah siap. makanya aku ngalihin pikiranku ke hal-hal lain yang ternyata buruk. pikiranku pendek banget ma, ngga mikir resikonya.

kalau tidak terlambat, aku mau dengar kata-kata mama, aku mau nurut perintah mama, aku mau makan sayur, aku mau minum susu, aku mau sholat, aku mau semua yang bisa bikin aku baik ma.

ma , aku sayang mama.

kecup manis untuk kedua pipi mama :* :*


Friday, December 18, 2009

mencari eksistensi

Pameran akan berlangsung pada:

16 desember 2009

pukul 19.00

di Museum Kupu - Kupu

Lembah UGM


sebab akan kami sablon
cukup dengan membayar Rp.5000

pameran berlangsung selama:

16-23 desember 2009
pukul 09.00 - 21.00

Funtastic Music

19 desember 2009
pukul 19.00 - selesai

Workshop "Modifikasi Film Negatif"

17 Desember 2009
Pukul 15.00 - 17.00 WIB

wowow saya ikut dalam pameran ini! akhirnya :) tapi saya belum boleh puas begitu saja, saya harus lebih berusaha lagi. Demi Prancis, demi Paris.

may i smile from ear to ear ?

because my father bought me this :

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


saya akui saya ini tidaklah begitu pintar (atau kata-kata serupa lainnya)

saya tidaklah up-to-date, saya tidak mengerti bagaimana keadaan politik dan ekonomi baik di Indonesia maupun di seluruh dunia

apa itu pasal dan undang-undang ?

jangan tanya hal-hal mengenai sejarah kepada saya

kalau ditanya : "siapa presiden Prancis saat ini? " saya hanya akan menggelengkan kepala saja atau bahkan hanya diam terpaku

jangan harap saya hapal nama-nama ibukota negara di dunia

hendak berfilsafat dengan saya? yang akan anda dapatkan hanyalah wajah polos yang seakan tak mengerti apa-apa

penggunaan istilah-istilah yang susah saat berbicara dengan saya adalah suatu pemborosan tenaga untuk berbicara, karena saya mungkin tak mengerti

"Saya bisa saja belajar mengenai semua hal diatas namun saya tak mau. Yang saya mau adalah balon merah, kacang rebus, bubur ketan hitam, tamagotchi, Prancis, dan surga. Jangan sampai saya masuk neraka."

Monday, November 30, 2009

Sunday, November 29, 2009


i didnt know . .

. . that people cried . .

when they were happy . .

Saturday, November 7, 2009

See You Soon

my handpainting on the wall near the door
Octopus Flash + Lucky BW 100

dont make this a goodbye , get back soon
i prefer to say 'see you soon' rather than 'goodbye'
that's all because i want to see you more and more and more
so i can give you best hug and kiss in the world
i love you
i miss you
i really do miss you and love you

Saturday, October 24, 2009

They're The Octopusses Babies ♥

Lucky B/W 100 + Octopus Blue

Proplus 100 + Octopus Yellow

Unknown Film 100 (cost rp 5k) + Octopus Blue

Kodak Colorplus 200 + Octopus Yellow

Thursday, October 15, 2009

inspiring (wish i could make one)

i can't give up

wish i have her courage

i always know God loves me . God has many ways to show them to me :)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


seven current facts about me :
  1. couldnt make paypal account because im still seventeen y.o (what the . .)
  2. in love with white t-shirts
  3. like capturing not-so-clear moments
  4. curious about lomo photography
  5. love having virtual friends ;)
  6. love listening chansons français
  7. currently not in love with any man :)

me my z555i camera crop photoshop

Saturday, October 3, 2009


(ngarang banget)

i have to kill someone so i can use my brain to think again . bleerrghh .

but i wonder :

if that so , i'll leave you alone .

photo from

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Saturday, September 19, 2009

toy camera is come ♥

In a cloudy morning on Thursday , a package came to my house . my mom called me and said : 'your package is coming dear'.

I ran downstairs and saw a box . covered with plastic . OH MY GOD ! It really is ! The one that i always wait for this week !

Then , i unpacked it .


the one with flash

panorama feature ♥
im so happy :D i'll try to join a plastic camera photography exhibition in December , wish me luck guys , i'll try to do my best :salute:

p.s. recently i realized that i have to spend money for buying films and 'cuci-scan' thingies lol . but i have to deal with it . this is my passion . i've chosen this way (im so overrated :p) . YAAAAAAAY ! woot

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

oh my tiny bedroom

about a week ago i cleaned up my so-tiny-and-messy-bedroom :D

so messy haha AFTERi stole my brother's table XPmy precious yearbook . oh i so miss theeeeem :'(

so small bed XD

i dont know where other books is . .

my weapons ;))

and now it's messy again X9

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Friday, August 28, 2009


where the hell is my face ? lol

Terrific ! Love this class !
Go French Literature 2009 !
Anyway , do you speak french ? teach me puhleaaaseee !

Monday, August 17, 2009


aku mati
akal sehatku yang mati
terperangkap dalam kekang derita
menjadi fiksi belaka

aku hina
harga diriku yang hina
penuh dengan cumbu rayu
alkohol dan seks jadi hidupku

mama dan papa tak percaya
teman tidak lagi berkawan
belahan jiwa entah kemana
mengambil apa yang disebut perawan

kujalani sajalah hidup ini
ku tak ingin melangkah pergi
dia pasti masih punya arti
diantara milyaran hati yang sepi

About Me :)

Yeah ! My Very First Post ! It's gonna be 'about me' stuff cuz i dont know what i have to write for now :p

My name is Damar Rakhmayastri. You can call me Damar. Some of my friend call me Jemz. My grandfather called me Yama. I prefer 'Dam' to 'Mar', dont know why, but i think 'Dam' is more polite than 'Mar'. I born on February 3rd, 1992, in Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur (East Borneo), Indonesia. Height : 167 cms Weight : 45 kgs. Now i live in YOGYAKARTA, Indonesia.

My first school is Tunas Patra Kindergarten in Cirebon.
I dont remember about girlfriend here. I only remember i always played with Trio Ade (there are 3 boys named Ade in my neighborhood) and Eki. Eki is my very first crush :"> Mom told me this : 'did you remember about your wedding plan with Eki? You said you gonna held a wedding and married to him'. Now I dont know where the hell he is . I miss him but i dont know what to do if i meet him.
My teacher suggested me to get in to elementary school earlier because she thought my reading and counting skills are good enough to get into elementary school.

So, when i was 5 y.o i got into Kedokan Bunder 06 Cirebon Elementary School.
I only went to this school for a day because the next day i moved to Sumatra.

I moved to YKPP 1 Elementary School in Pendopo, East Sumatra.
I met Linda here, she is my very first friend in Pendopo, but sadly, the next year she had to move to other place because her father was transferred to other office. Both of our father were working in same place, Pertamina. But now we can contact each other via text, phone call, or facebook. She now live in Jakarta.

Then when i was in fourth grade, i moved to YKPP 1 Elementary School in Prabumulih, still in East Sumatra.
I met soooo many good friends here. Tika, Tera, Ina, Gea, Ruth, Dara, Noni and many other, but sadly, i had to leave them because my father was retire. But FACEBOOK unite us again :D

Finally my last elementary school, Keputran 5 Yogyakarta Elementary School. I graduated at 2003.

My middle school is 8 State Junior High School Yogyakarta. Im in a clique called V-COCK. I got nickname 'JEMz' here. V-COCK is consist of seven girls. They are Sisil, Ruthie, Dita, Thania, Katia, Farah and Me :) I graduated from this school at 2006.

7 State Senior High School is my last school. I finally graduated at 2009 :D

and now im a student in Gadjah Mada University. I take french literature major. :)

random and stupid things ♥ Kate Nash's , Lily Allen's , Regina Spektor's voices children music ♥ children illustration easy listen music playing keyboard my colorful markers pringles lays mcflurry smarties

My inspiration in playing keyboard : Maksim Mrvica
My inspirations in writing : Remy Sylado, Jacqueline Wilson
My inspiration in painting : Gadis Gelap , Bloody Kirka


i currently learning about photography
i so want a DSLR nooow !
i currently learning about music especially playing piano
actually im stuck now, any help?
i currently learning about children illustration and drawing
it is hard learning painting details and body and pose and coloring and that's mean everything ! is it mean i cant draw ?

© All images by Damar Rakhmayastri, unless, will be credited. Template developed by Confluent Forms LLC. Powered by Blogger.