dan tadi pagi akhirnya saya mimisan tapi hanya satu lubang saja eh kalau begitu bukan mimisan yaa? ah tak pedulilah tapi saya lelah bersin dan batuk terus-terusan
how do you feel, if you see this book? i feel intrigued!
i fell for this book since the first time i see its cover, what a snazzy illustration! i even didn't read the synopsis :D i brought that book to the cashier, paid. when i went home, i directly read this book and hooked up with it!
I like children stories so damn much (biar dah dikata childish juga, orang lucu sih cerita ama gambarnya)
behind all these menace masterpieces Jacky and Nick like Lykke Li said in her song, Little Bit, I'm In lalalala love with me YOU! jih damar lebay betul
Lemme introduce my newest family member : JEEP, the ukulele
and and i cut my hair :D :D :D
my voice is unenjoyable HAHA -_-
but i dont care
don't you worry, there my honey
we might not have any money
but we've got our love to pay the bills
maybe I think you're cute and funny,
maybe I wanna do what bunnies do with you,
if you know what I mean
Oh, let's get rich and buy our parents homes in the South of France
let's get rich and give everybody nice sweaters and teach them how to dance
let's get rich and build our house on a mountain making everybody look like ants
from way up there, you and I, you and I
well you might be a bit confused
and you might be a little bit bruised
but baby how we spoon like no one else
so I will help you read those books
if you will soothe my worried looks
and we will put the lonesome on the shelf
i really love this song! dedicated to all people i love *kiss* *hug*
i have hearing problem well, i don't know if it's a hearing problem or not but sometimes i can't understand what people say, even when the person talking right in front of me, i was like: "huh? sorry?" If you ask me: "but, did you hear his/her voice?". OF COURSE I DO! I just can't understand what are they talking about
my GPA score is decreased wambam! thanks to myself because i was so lazy in semester 2 grrrrr really need booster for next semester
iya, saya mengakui pernyataan yang mengatakan saya terlalu cuek
iya, saya tidak suka kalau disuruh-suruh
iya, saya sering pulang malam
iya, saya sering lupa sholat kalau sudah main di luar rumah
iya, saya sering mengabaikan perkataan orang-orang
tapi kalau ngga suka sama kelakuan dan sifat saya jangan salahkan teman-teman saya dong jangan menuduh hal yang belum tentu benar terhadap teman-teman saya dong kalau mau menyalahkan, salahkan saya kalau mau menuduh, tuduh saya kan sudah jelas semua salah saya saya sendiri yang ngga sadar diri
untung saya cuek (menurut penilaian orang lain), kalau tidak, saya sudah meledak.
kemarin maaf, hari ini sudah diulang lagi
ya saya juga bisa kayak gitu
saya ulang lagi untung saya cuek
AH, I ♥ U MOM! AYO HUJAN-HUJANAN LAGI! (p.s. you are so much better when im the only child at home, why?)
timbang tunangannya diajak reunian doang sampe segitunya sampeyan ini mendingan saya ngajak maen pria singgel tunjukkan kehebatanmu! (quote dari mas choki2 di stasiun televisi swasta itu)
apa liat2 (jadi galak ceritanya) iya emang saya suka ngomongin orang di belakangnya doang daripada di depannya langsung nanti saya didamprat sama calon mertuenye die hayo mau saya didamprat? ketik reg sepasi damprat kirim ke na deh!
hash! jadi ingat sama sms salah satu teman saya tadi malam
Mieinstant Hoaahm
oh bukan, ini tadi pagi
saya ini sudah kotor, ngga berniat untuk nambah jadi busuk lagi karena kebencian tapi yah namanya manusia damar, sadar ngga sadar pasti punya rasa ngga suka sama sesuatu ya kan ya kan? eh tapi abis ngepost ini serius insya Allah saya udah ngga nyimpen hatred lagi cuma pengen share aja hahahaha
lah judulnya kagak nyambung ama isi bialin (sok imyut :p)