One day i made and posted and made this drawing as me profile picture on facebook.
Watercolor and pen on art paper that Mas Gin gave me.
Then suddenly a wild Mas Gin-Gin appeared! He asked me to make sticker or shirt with that drawing. And i said yes, which finally led to this:
Yes, my hair is a mess. And my boobs are small.
Mine is pink and Mas Gin's is yellow. Mas Pati asked whether me and Mas Gin deliberately choose that color to match Spongebob and Patrick. We wouldn't notice that if Mas Pati didn't point that out. Thanks to Mas Gin-Gin for the tutorial on how to screen printing and Mas Hendra who helped the making of this t-shirt :*
I turned 20 this year and i received many many love from all around me, greetings and gifts flood my heart, thanks all :) Mom and Dad gave me new cute clothes, Mas Yoga and Mbak Kiki gave me a watch and a bottle of perfume (i hoped it was wine ;D). And here i present to you, gift from my bestie, Wilfridus :*,
gift from my only dumpling that i won't eat, Dita Bakpau (yes, she is popo, yes, i altered her nickname :D),
and gift from the one that i never had the chance to meet but he is always nice to me, Kak Haris.
His blog: narayanarada. He also drew me last year. Click here to see his drawing for me. And click the picture to see other drawings he made for this year birthday!
My favorite :)
Merci beaucoup pour vous! I LOVE YOU FROM THE DEEPEST OF MY HEART! Terima kasih untuk segala yang telah kalian lakukan dan berikan untuk saya yang tidak pernah memberi apa-apa untuk kalian *peluk erat* Kalian jaga kesehatan ya, agar aku tetap bisa menemui kalian dalam keadaan bahagia *kecup*