Sunday, February 26, 2012

Chocolate On Me Shirt

One day i made and posted and made this drawing as me profile picture on facebook.
Watercolor and pen on art paper that Mas Gin gave me.

Then suddenly a wild Mas Gin-Gin appeared! He asked me to make sticker or shirt with that drawing. And i said yes, which finally led to this:
Yes, my hair is a mess. And my boobs are small.

Mine is pink and Mas Gin's is yellow. Mas Pati asked whether me and Mas Gin deliberately choose that color to match Spongebob and Patrick. We wouldn't notice that if Mas Pati didn't point that out. Thanks to Mas Gin-Gin for the tutorial on how to screen printing and Mas Hendra who helped the making of this t-shirt :*


  1. Huuuuaaaaaaaa Damaaaaaar
    suka.... suka.... sukaaaaaaaaa.....

  2. banyak yg hoby gambar nih sekarang, ikutaaaaan belajar ah :)

  3. "My hair is a mess. And my boobs are small"

    suka tagline nya.

  4. ini bikin kaosnya dimana ya? *pengen

    1. bikinnya di studio artnya temanku
      ayo sini beli *malah jualan*

  5. #BeberapaHariKemudian
    eiii, disana bikin satuan kah?

    Hahaha bagaimana kalau Damar yg ngeGambar trus nanti aku yg cetak? Kita jualan kaos?

  6. kalo studionya sih tidak, itu aku pas belajar nyablon aja, jadi temanku meminjamkan screen dan bla bla bla segala macem :D

    kalo beneran jualan, i wonder if anyone would actually buy it haha

  7. #BeberapaHariKemudian
    Ihhh, pasti ada ya. Kalau tempat sablon aku uda ada link. Aku punya kenalan yg kualitasnya Super (mario teguh). Tapi kendala cuma di desainer sih. coba deh damar ngegambar apa gitu. Ntar bagi hasil :D


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