Friday, February 10, 2012

Sweet Gifts

I turned 20 this year and i received many many love from all around me, greetings and gifts flood my heart, thanks all :) Mom and Dad gave me new cute clothes, Mas Yoga and Mbak Kiki gave me a watch and a bottle of perfume (i hoped it was wine ;D). And here i present to you, gift from my bestie, Wilfridus :*,

gift from my only dumpling that i won't eat, Dita Bakpau (yes, she is popo, yes, i altered her nickname :D),
Darinya yang Tak Sempat Terucap

and gift from the one that i never had the chance to meet but he is always nice to me, Kak Haris.
His blog: narayanarada. He also drew me last year. Click here to see his drawing for me. And click the picture to see other drawings he made for this year birthday!
My favorite :)

Merci beaucoup pour vous! I LOVE YOU FROM THE DEEPEST OF MY HEART! Terima kasih untuk segala yang telah kalian lakukan dan berikan untuk saya yang tidak pernah memberi apa-apa untuk kalian *peluk erat* Kalian jaga kesehatan ya, agar aku tetap bisa menemui kalian dalam keadaan bahagia *kecup*


  1. happy bestday yah damar.. :),,,
    traktir ke jogja yah mar.. hahah :D

    1. thank you Sintaaa :) ahihihi kalo kamu ke jogja aja deh baru aku traktir makan ;)

  2. the first vid
    i thought it was you :))

    1. muahahaha dari sebelah mananya coba? tapi seneng deh dibilang mirip sama sahabat sendiri hehe

    2. la raine raketok soale
      pas diplay hlo kok malih,.. jebul bedo uong XD


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