Monday, December 30, 2013

Lopburi Trip : Phra Prang Sam Yod

After a very long time not exercising photography, I laid once again my finger on the shutter button of my Canon EOS 500D. Inspired by Mokstimofeevic's works, here's what I got from the trip to Lopburi on December 21st, 2013.




Taken by Siti Zahliyatul M.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Tteokbokki, Ddeokbokki, Topokki or Dukbokki, you name it, I WANT IT.

But topokki are so expensive in Thailand :( So I uploaded this video of WEBG featuring Rendra practicing Dengarkan Curhatku by Vierra with korean lyrics translated by Dita instead (I know, there's no relation between that). Prepare for the glorious ending (by that I mean we failed :p ).

It was a long time ago, circa October 2012

Black Giraffe

White Elephant

Om Rendra

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Thailand International Ukulele Festival 3 2013

I was trying to be a contributor for Indonesia Ukulele Community in Thailand International Ukulele Festival 3 which was held in Parc Paragon, Siam Paragon, Bangkok, Thailand. It was a really great and amazing experience to be there because I got to interview some ukulele players that you might know. (Actually I interviewed Alan Soo from Ukulele Movement (Singapore) as well, but since I forgot to charge my battery, my camera just died when I started interviewing him :( )

Sorry for the overexposed, shaky and blurry video, i just couldn't contain my happiness being in an ukulele festival ;)

October 19&20, 2013, Bangkok, Thailand.
Gears: Canon EOS 500D + Canon EF-S 18-55mm with Broken AF

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

White Elephant is 22 years young

Not much to say, just watch the video. Maybe you need to wear earphones or headphone and change video quality to 480p for better experience (?).

Spoiler :
Almost 30% of this video are bloopers HAHA i'm such a cheater

Click the picture below to go to Nopal's tumblr. OK YA!
Fun fact: Nopal made this in less than 3 hours

Amirul's Late Birthday Greeting

Sunday, August 25, 2013


- colored pencils on black paper -

Sudah tiga bulan tidak bertemu dengan keluarga, rindu itu alami, kan?

P.S.This isn't a drawing of my family :p
P.P.S. Should I buy scanner?

Monday, August 12, 2013


this feeling rise timidly but still grows up bigger and bigger
-watercolor on paper-

Monday, July 15, 2013


Beberapa hari lalu, saya dan teman-teman saya berjalan-jalan dan melewati Tao Kae Noi Land, sebuah tempat khusus menjual snack rumput laut yang berasal dari Thailand. Tiba-tiba salah satu dari mereka memulai pembicaraan mengenai pemilik brand snack rumput laut--yang sudah banyak didistribusikan ke luar Thailand termasuk Indonesia--tersebut. Dia mengatakan bahwa sebelum mencapai ketenaran dan keberhasilan semacam ini, sang empunya harus melewati berbagai macam kerugian dan kesulitan yang benar-benar pada titik terendah hidup. Teman saya melontarkan sebuah pertanyaan yang kira-kira intinya begini, "Kenapa gitu ya, orang sukses pasti ada aja cerita terpuruknya. Jadi kalau kita mau sukses, masa harus terpuruk dulu?". Kemudian sore ini teman saya bertanya, "Damar, kapan kamu ngerasa ngga bahagia?". Jujur, saya tidak bisa menjawab pertanyaan tersebut.

Kejadian di atas menimbulkan rasa insecure yang sebenarnya sudah lama saya rasakan bahkan sebelum saya menyelesaikan skripsi. Saya tidak bermaksud untuk menyombongkan diri atau apa, tapi selama 21 tahun hidup, saya nyaris tidak pernah merasakan ketidakbahagiaan. Of course, many shits happened, tapi saya selalu merasa hal-hal tersebut bukan hal terburuk yang terjadi pada hidup saya dan saya selalu bisa dengan cepat melupakan hal buruk yang menimpa hidup saya saat itu.

Menyadari hal ini, saya jadi merasa takut, apakah jika saya ingin berhasil, saya harus merasakan keterpurukan terlebih dahulu?
Atau karena kebahagiaan dan kenyamanan hidup yang telah Tuhan berikan selama ini pada saya, apakah suatu saat nanti akan datang masa di mana saya terpuruk?

Rasa insecure ini semakin menjadi ketika saya mendapati diri saya tidak bisa lepas dari sifat malas dan suka menunda. Kedua sifat ini sungguh harus dihilangkan jika saya ingin lulus pada program master yang sedang saya jalani. Beberapa kali saya sempat terpikir apakah ini saatnya keterpurukan hadir di hidup saya, ketidakmampuan mengikuti fase kuliah yang dapat berujung pada pemulangan, merusak kepercayaan yang sudah diberikan pada saya. Buru-buru saya menghilangkan pikiran itu. Tapi tetap saja malas dan menunda tetap hinggap.

Tapi yang jelas saya masih percaya bahwa saya dapat tetap terus merasa bahagia dan hidup berhasil.

Thursday, June 20, 2013


After graduating bachelor degree, I actually don't have any intention or plan to directly continue my french literature study, but then my thesis supervisor gave me the information about full scholarship offer from Chulalongkorn University. Long story short, here I am now, pursuing my Master of Arts degree, in Bangkok :)

Everything Was So Sudden

The announcement of the scholarship recipients was on May, 16th 2013. I should had been in Bangkok on the 1st of June.

You could imagine how hectic the next two weeks were. There were so many things I had to do before leaving for Bangkok, such as make visa, register myself to a health insurance, do a general check-up and other time-consuming things. Up until now, I am still really grateful to those who already helped me, especially to all member of my family. Since I had to do those time-consuming things, I didn't have much quality time with all my friends in Indonesia and I can say that I regret it. I regret it because I still have unfulfilled promises. I promised Kak Erlita to teach her how to play her favorite song with the guitar and also teach her how to modify her blog design. I promised Duta to have a photography session and cover some songs. I promised Cinant to have a wild karaoke session and I haven't had the chance to keep all of my promises. I still have many other promises and deadlines. All I hope now is that I can keep my promises, meaning that everyone including me, have to stay healthy and happy until the time when I go back to Indonesia.

The Departure Day

It was the most bitter-sweet day I have ever had in the entire 21 years and 3 months of my life.

All the morning my sister and I stuck together like a super glued paper. Every time we met each other eyes, we automatically hugged each other. She was very sweet that morning :D My brother teased me but I didn't feel annoyed, I felt happy instead. My Dad asked how I feel with his warm stare.

We arrived in airport about an hour and a half before my flight. I didn't directly go to the passanger waiting room because my friends said that they would come to see me in the airport. They did. Duta, Inna, Cinan, Denta, Harkit, and Nikita kindly came to the airport to say goodbye. I hugged each one of them. At that very moment I tried to memorize how warm and comforting their hugs were. Harkit, Nikita, and Inna gave me really cute gifts and I love them! A giraffe (we actually argued if this doll really is a giraffe or not :p) doll and an aromatherapy oil with giraffe dispenser, They named the doll Mr. Gi and I decided Little Gi, as the name for the little giraffe.

Little Gi turns out a literally HOT kid :p

The time had come. It was the first time I saw my mother gazed deeply into my eyes, telling how she felt, sending messages and advices without even talking. I felt goosebumps all over my body when she did that. I hugged and kissed her, I hugged and kissed my dad, I hugged and kissed my brother, I hugged and kissed my sister.

I waved at them as I felt rushes of blood pumped in and out of my heart. See you later, my kind friends. See you real soon, my beloved family. Two years is a short time, isn't it?
Mr. Gi's first flight

Monday, May 20, 2013

WEBG - Caffe Latte 커피를 마시고 (Urban Zakapa Cover)

White Elephant and Black Giraffe (WEBG) is a comedy music duo consisting of Dita Oktamaya (The Singing Elephant) and Damar Rakhmayastri (The Instrument-hitter Giraffe). The video above is when WEBG had fun in Korean Days UGM 2012. We played Urban Zakapa's Caffe Latte 커피를 마시고 (lit.kopireul masigo/drinking coffee). Enjoy!

Feel free to follow our twitter: @_WEBG

Sunday, May 12, 2013


Dari dulu saya suka bikin tebak-tebakan. Bikin loh yah, bukan menjawab (suka gampang nyerah gitu kalo ada yang ngasih tebakan :D). Saya lupa entah di jaman SMP atau SMA, saya suka sekali bikin tebak-tebakan pake kata sapi. Yang paling sering saya tebak-tebakin adalah anggota keluarga saya. Bukan paling sering lagi deh, emang cuma keluarga saya yang bisa dikasih tebak-tebakan begitu. Awalnya sih mereka ngeladenin saya, tapi karena semakin lama tebakan semakin lame, jadi mereka males gitu deh. Coba deh baca, pasti kalian males juga sih.

'Sapi apa yang bisa buat gambar?'


'Sapi apa yang romantis tapi bokek?'

makan SAPIring berdua!

'Sapi apa yang panjang?'


Dan saat saya lagi pengen banget ngasih tebak-tebakan tapi ga kepikiran apa-apa, biasanya saya bikin tebak-tebakan yang super random tapi jawabannya cuma satu:

'Sapi apa yang [insert random ability or adjective here]?' ex: 'Sapi apa yang bisa terbang dan cantik?'

SAPIkir-pikir dulu deh jawabannya.


Sunday, April 21, 2013

Où que tu sois, je veux être coquine avec toi

Où que tu sois, je veux être coquine avec toi
water with color and ink on watercolor paper

I still like giraffe and I am in the search for it
By the way, I draw this while listening to this:

Gotta love the beat and smile to the lyrics

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Il veut des glaces vanille encore

"Il veut des glaces vanille encore"
Sudden collaboration between:
Reza Astro & Damar Rakhmayastri
There wasn't any intention to do collaboration until I felt like going home.

Blue Haired Man

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

from every little things

Here are some little things I met over a week trip (to-)in(-from) Jakarta:
Something stroke me and that thing made me need to gain weight. Badly. So now I'm trying to stop eating what I usually eat daily and without fail: frozen food, fast food, instant food, and snacks with MSG, because apparently those thing made me sick. I am also trying to stop drinking coffee and soda. I try live a healthy life. Exercising suddenly becoming a must in my life.

I met new friends and I consider them polite. I asked a friend to pick me up and take me to my relative's house. He brought 5 friends of his. I already met one of them in real life and one of them on the net, the others were new. We hung out in a park and they started to joke with each other. I instantly like them. It is because they appreciate each other. Not like most of my friends in Jogja, who most of the time will give raised eyebrow and uncomfortable facial expression when someone throw unfunny jokes, they politely smile and laugh and start to give another joke so the person who give the cold joke doesn't feel uncomfortable. Maybe some people will say that it isn't a real friendship, but for me, friend is the one who makes you feel comfortable. I found them really comfortable to hang out with.

In Jakarta, my friend brought me anywhere by motorcycle but it still didn't stop us from being in a traffic jam (still, I thanked them a lot for bringing me everywhere). The traffic jam made me realize, people in Jakarta are impatient. Believe it or not, i like being in a traffic jam because it gives me time to think, so it is OK for me to be in a traffic jam. But not for my friends--and other road users as well--, they don't like it as I see them became impatient and cranky when we were stuck in the middle of traffic. I think they became impatient because of the traffic jam itself. I bet undergoing traffic jam day by day at some point does make you impatient even if you are the most patient person in the whole world, because everyone else around you are starting to blow their horn and if that isn't enough to annoy you, the traffic start to stuck again after you barely move for only three seconds. Maybe if I stay a little longer there I would also become impatient.

I rode an economic AC train to go back to Yogya and I sat next to a middle-aged woman. I tried to be nice at first to her and she responded well. Too well. In the first three hours of travel she kept talking to me and what made me a bit uncomfortable was that she said she could never sleep in a train. Great. When I tried to sleep she also tried to talk to me. She even woke me up from my sleep just to tell me I could stretch my feet to the front seat so I could sleep better. I was already sleeping, Ma'am, thank you. I knew she was just trying to be nice but it was kind of displeased me. This experience made me realize that not everyone appreciates nice treatments from other people. It's time for me learn and observe whether people around me like how I treat them or not.

Since it has been a really boring post, here's a boring video which might make you even more bored, enjoy :D

Friday, March 29, 2013

A Woman Is A Creature That Is Always Been Strange

This drawing shows the transformation of my drawing-style (clockwise). But, I'm not usually stick to one style since I am easily bored. About the title, well, I always like 'Is You Is or Is You Ain't My Baby' especially the part 'A woman is a creature that is always been strange'. Even though I am a woman, I don't mind to hear that statement, I am even agreeing that statement, because woman really is strange. Sometimes, I don't even understand about how I'm feeling. OK, enough talking about how I sometimes question about binary opposition (?).

Here's the song:

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Percakapan Itu Terhenti Padaku

Ini ada bunga untukmu
Bukannya itu rumput?
Percayalah padaku, ini bunga
Ya sudah, aku terima
Kau tidak suka?
Aku lebih menyukaimu
Ah, kau jangan berbohong
Benar, aku menyukaimu
Bahkan dengan mulut robekku?
Itu tak masalah, karena seseorang sudah menjahitnya kembali
Bahkan dengan kepalaku yang mudah terlepas?
Iya, bahkan dengan kepalamu yang terlepas sepenuhnya
Aku ingin mempercayai hal ini
Percayalah padaku, aku menyukaimu
Ya sudah, aku terima
Kau tidak suka?
Aku lebih menyukai kita

Sunday, March 17, 2013

lelaki itu

kemarin malam aku mimpi kau meninggal
aku menangis sekeras-kerasnya hingga terasa lelah
dan aku mendapati diriku terbangun dengan air mata
siapa kau sebenarnya?

Monday, February 18, 2013

The First Time I Met Mr. Washing Machine

Sudah sekitar semingguan mba yang biasa beberes di rumah saya tidak hadir karena pada tiga hari pertama dia harus mengurus anaknya yang diopname di rumah sakit dan tiga hari berikutnya dia harus mengurus dirinya sendiri yang terkena penyakit chikungunya (lekaslah sembuh Mba Susi!). Jadilah saya dan anggota keluarga lainnya berbagi tugas dalam mengurus rumah. Nah nah nah, mungkin ada dewi fortuna yang nemplok sama saya hingga saya kebagian mencuci baju, pemirsah! Kenapa saya senang kebagian tugas mencuci baju? Karena ternyata di rumah saya ini ada mesin ajaib yang bernama mesin cuci! Oke saya sudah tahu kalau Papah membelikan Mamah mesin cuci baru mungkin sekitar 3 atau 4 bulan yang lalu sejak mesin cuci yang lama rusak karena entah apa, tapi kemarin adalah pertama kalinya saya secara personal menggunakan mesin cuci tersebut!

Karena baru pertama kali pakai, Mamah jadi rempong gitu menjawab pertanyaan saya, tapi memang ibu itu orang yang paling ciamik, beliau menjelaskan dengan sabar cara pemakaian mesin cuci dengan detil. Aaaand my opinion is: WASHING MACHINE IS REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY AWESOME! Saya bisa mengerjakan tugas sembari menunggu mesin cucinya bekerja menggiling dan merendam pakaian selama 45 menit dan best partnya adalah: pengering bajunya benar-benar mengeringkan baju! Pengering baju mesin cuci yang dulu semacam malas memeras gitu, jadi kadang kadar air di baju masih banyak, tapi mesin cuci yang sekarang hanya meninggalkan sekitar 10% kadar air di baju, bahkan ada yang langsung kering! AWESOME! Note to self: I should buy a washing machine when I live by myself later.
That's me and the awesome washing machine, ALL HAIL Mr. Washing Machine!
P.S this post is based on my exaggeration :D
P.P.S but still, washing machine is awesome!
P.P.P.S but really, i think i'm the most lazy-ass in my house :p

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Tu sais que j'en ai marre
Mais t'as encore m'attardé
Quand t'arrêterais?
Arrêterais de me hanter
Mon temps est proche
L'aventure m'attende
Tu me fais près de nulle part

Mais moi
Moi, je suis pas toi
Et l'aventure commence


You know I had enough
But you still linger on me
When will you stop?
Stop haunting me
My time is short
Adventure awaits me
You make me near to nowhere

But I
I, I am not you
And the adventure begins

3P: Pencil on Paper and Photoshop

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

kadang saya merasa kasihan pada orang-orang di sekitar saya
mereka berusaha membuat saya senang namun saya tidak pernah sedikitpun mau berusaha untuk membuat mereka senang
karena setiap kali saya berusaha membuat orang lain senang
saya malah kehilangan mereka

Monday, January 7, 2013

a very late birthday wish

Jadi adik saya, teman saya, oktober lalu berulangtahun. Terus saya belum ngasih dia kado. Tapi saya bokek, bagaimana saya dapat memberinya kado? Lalu sekitar semingguan yang lalu saya bertemu dengannya dan minta maaf karena belum ngasih kado. Lalu dia bilang gak usah, santai saja. Lalu saya bilang yah apa dong. Lalu dia bilang kadonya doa saja. Lalu sebagai kakak dan teman yang baik (bagian ini agaknya bohong dan dibuat-buat), ya saya kabulkanlah keinginannya itu. Lalu yak, telat sekali memang tapi biarin sajalah.

Doa ini memang setiap hari saya panjatkan kepada Tuhan untuk semua teman-teman saya, tapi kali ini khusus saya tujukan untuk kamu ya adik

berikanlah apa yang terbaik bagi Edo
berikanlah apa yang pantas baginya
berikanlah sesuai dengan apa yang ia perjuangkan

berikanlah kesehatan untuk Edo
supaya ia dapat memperjuangkan apa yang pantas baginya
apa yang terbaik baginya

lindungi Edo dari perbuatan orang jahat
jauhkan Edo dari bahaya
hindarkan Edo dari niat-niat buruk

terimakasih karena kau telah memberiku teman yang baik
terimakasih karena kau telah mengelilingiku dengan orang-orang yang baik
terimakasih karena kau telah mendekatkanku dengan umatmu yang baik
terimakasih karena kau telah memperkenalkanku dengan Edo

Seharusnya saya malu bilang begini tapi urat malu saya kan hampir putus jadi yasudah~


Terimakasih ya sudah mau berteman dengan saya. Maaf kalau saya tidak bisa jadi kakak dan contoh yang baik. Pokoknya jangan malas seperti saya ya, kamu harus rajin! *peluk*
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