Thursday, July 3, 2014

Aku melihatmu biru

Awal liburan pergantian semester kemarin saya menyempatkan diri untuk kembali kampung halaman tercinta, Yogyakarta. Saya senang sekali bisa berkumpul bersama dengan keluarga dan teman-teman. Lalu suatu hari, Mamah saya menanyakan kabar seorang teman sewaktu saya di SMA. Benar juga, saya sudah lama tidak bertukar kabar dengannya. Saya hubungi dia lewat jejaring sosial, and long story short, dia berada di ruang tamu rumah saya. Tidak berapa lama ia mengajak saya untuk berbincang di teras, ia ingin merokok.

Kami berbincang mengenai banyak hal, ia bercerita mengenai pengalaman mengajarnya dan saya bercerita mengenai pengalaman saya berkuliah di Bangkok. Karena saya bukan pencerita yang baik, saya lebih banyak mendengar cerita darinya. Ia berbagi sudut pandangnya dalam menjalani hidup. Menarik sekali.

Saya lupa bagaimana pastinya, tapi pembicaraan kami kemudian berpusat pada bagaimana saya ingin hidup dengan berkesenian. Ia dengan sangat antusias mengatakan bahwa ia mendukung keinginan saya ini. Ia bahkan berjanji akan melakukan apapun semampunya bila saya akan melaksanakan pameran. Ia meminta saya untuk menunjukkan gambar-gambar saya. Saya bawa semua buku sketsa dari kamar saya di lantai atas. Dia memandangi satu persatu coretan yang saya buat. "Gambarmu bagus, Dam," kalimat itu meluncur dari mulutnya. Saya senang.

Ia kemudian meminta saya untuk menuangkan pendapat saya mengenai dirinya dalam gambar. Saya setuju. Kami sepakat untuk saling bertukar karya, ia berjanji akan membuat melodi yang merepresentasikan pendapatnya mengenai saya.

Acrylic and Chinese Ink on Canvas

Inilah lukisan yang saya berikan padanya. Ini merupakan lukisan pertama saya dengan menggunakan media akrilik. Saya beri judul 'Aku melihatmu biru'. Saya berjanji padanya bahwa saya akan membuat tulisan mengenai lukisan ini. Mengelaborasi dalam kata bagaimana saya memandangnya.

Biru. Warna ini tidak ada hubungannya sama sekali dengan namanya di media sosial. Saya gemar 'melihat' warna orang-orang di sekitar saya, dan biru adalah warna yang paling tepat untuk menggambarkan dia. Mengapa biru? Karena langit.

Langit. Jika berbicara mengenai langit saya selalu mengasosiasikannya dengan awan. Ia seperti kombinasi langit da awan di langit yang cerah, santai dan meneduhkan.

Tanpa wajah. Saya menggambarnya tanpa wajah karena saya tidak pernah bisa menebak bagaimana perasaan dia. Ia tidak pernah menampakkan emosinya secara gamblang. Setidaknya tidak di depan saya.

Keyboard. Mungkin ini yang paling mudah dimaknai, ia dapat memainkan segala jenis instrumen musik. Ia adalah guru dan partner bermusik saya.

Persegi. Bagian favorit saya. Persegi ini menggambarkan kesederhanaan dia dalam berpikir. Ia tidak neko-neko. Namun perhatikan sebagian kepalanya berada di luar kotak. Kesederhanaannya dalam berpikir inilah yang menurut saya istimewa. Ia sering menanyakan hal-hal yang tak pernah terpikirkan oleh saya sebelumnya. Jaman sekarang orang kadang berfikir terlalu keras. Saya yakin bahwa ia pernah juga berpikir terlalu keras, namun ia berada pada taraf yang berbeda. Ia dewasa dalam pikiran kekanak-kanakannya, ia sekaligus kekanak-kanakan dalam kedewasaannya.

Itulah bagaimana saya memandang teman yang memimpin kelas saya dulu.

Selamat Ulang Tahun, Pak Ketua :)

Friday, June 27, 2014


Superior Marker + Sketchbook Paper
A few days ago I went swimming with my friend, Minaa. It was a really good day. I got to play with water slides for the very first time of my life. It's really interesting to try new things. I also learned a really good lesson. For 22 years of my life, I never have the guts to do back swimming or even try to float on my back. I always wanted to do it, but I always think that it's impossible for me to do it, without even trying.

The last time I swim was before I went to Thailand, it means more than a year ago. I don't know what got into me the day I swam with Minaa, but I really determined to try to float on my back. At first Minaa helped me, she encouraged me and she made sure that she will hold my back so I didn't drown. Of course, at first I was hesitating, a lot. I was at the point to give up right away after my first try. But the determination kicked again! I tried and I tried. In less than 15 minutes I mastered (a bit of exaggeration, of course) how to float on my back and even back swimming!

Maybe for some of you it seems like a simple accomplishment. It is a simple accomplishment, but it brings greater impact for me. I learned that if I never tried, I wouldn't know whether I can do it or not. And if I stopped at my first try, I wouldn't be able to do things that I always wanted to do. It surely brought a great revelation to me, because I feel these days I haven't done my best. I should keep trying and trying to do my best at the things that I should do.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Girl With The Wind

When she close her eyes
Softly the wind blows
Reminiscing her goodbyes
Eliminating her sorrows

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Wedding Present for

Been a long time since the last time I did or posted digital drawing
Om Inu requested me to draw him and his fiancée-now-his-wife

Printed and framed by himsel

Friday, May 16, 2014

When the grumpy man is having his birthday

I'm sorry because I'm not anywhere near him to say happy birthday directly, to hug, and to kiss him. So I change all my social medias' profile/cover picture with a picture of he and I, to tell him that I'm always by his side :D

I made an acrylic painting for him.
'A Minute Before Transformation' - Acrylic and Chinese Ink on 35 x 45 Canvas - Done in 4-5 hours
This painting is about a grumpy man who will turn into a wolf soon after he sees a full moon. I consider my SO as a werewolf, because he doesn't like vegetable and prefer meat instead.

I also cover a song by Herman Dune 'I Wish That I Could See You Soon'

Happy birthday, my dear lovely wolf! xoxo

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Teruntuk Duta Putra Niagara

Last year I made a video birthday greeting for Duta :

I'm such a lame friend, this year I only made an e-book, but it's the thought that counts, right? :p Here you go!

Saturday, March 8, 2014

I'm on Instagram

Just a quick update : now I'm on INSTAGRAM! Found out that it's much easier to share using this media because all I have to do are : take a picture, give short caption and hashtags, and post! It's also more convenient to share my drawings there considering I don't have my scanner at the moment. I want the best pictures to be shown in this blog but I have to use DSLR camera to get the scanned quality of my drawings, it takes a lot of effort and I'm not really fond of doing it hehehe.
Here are some illustrations and drawings I made recently :

Friday, February 28, 2014

Chinese New Year 2014 - Chinatown Bangkok, Thanon Yaowarat

I know I know, it's nearly a month late to post about chinese new year, I think it's just my nature to postpone everything and do nothing instead (Vive Procrastinateur!). Also, I'm too lazy to think about the title for each photo :3 And I think I need to get my monitor calibrated :/





Sunday, February 23, 2014

An Apology To A Selo Girl

Click this picture to go to her blog
I'm not really sure but I think I owe an illustration to a foxy girl named Amel. She asked me to support her tote bag line but I never really submit a single illustration to her, so sorry! So I made this simple illustration, traced from her current profile picture on Facebook, as a form of apology for not really supporting her. As you can see, I'm always too lazy to give details or background, so yeah.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

'92 Girls #2

This will be a post with a lot of photos and videos :3

Happy New Year 2014!

Last months of 2013 was indeed hard, but here I am, making it to 2014! So many great things happened early in this beautiful new year :) Just like last year and years before, I received lots and lots of love from family and friends.

I finally tell my significant other about how I think and I feel about him, and I could say that he is the greatest gift this year (ahem! :">). He made a cute drawing of me (go follow his instagram, he has a rad collection of drawings!):
And I am so grateful to know Dita, Eki, Icha, and Kak Nikita, spent some time to made these wonderful birthday greetings for me :
A beatiful letter and prayer from Dita, unfortunately, she shared it privately.
This one is also from Dita (it's her usual nature to give me more than one present on my birthday, I just don't know how she can stick out as a friend of forgetful and uncaring human-being like me) :
Dita's and her beautiful friends in Hana Bank. You girls are so beautiful! *kiss one by one*
Maudy Ayunda versi tidak terawat

I miss you too, my shopping mate! :*

My eyebrows are funny because a make up artist trimmed them for a photo-shoot :|

I am even more grateful to know that my friends in Bangkok are caring me :
Joan, Me, and Rima on the day they gave me a really cool present.

I already wanted to buy a suitcase for my art supplies but I didn't have a time to find and buy one. They save me a very good amount of time and energy, thanks, i LOVE this!

My very kind roommate, Mba Zah, gave me a guitar... in a form of flashdisk, or as we say in Thailand, thumbdrive :D And Mba Dati gave me a really cute encouragement to finish my thesis. I will Mba, and I will do it really soon :)
Actually, there's another present but it's still in the laundry basket. It's a purple clothes from Brina, the cool girl on the block. Haha, thanks, Brin!

My family gave me a skype birthday party! Dang, why are they having a party when I'm not even there?
They already cut and ate the cake. Without me.

One of my favorite singer was forgetting my birthday, I was kinda sad. LOLJK. I know he was having a test for the sake of continuation of his life, I won't even mad if he completely forgot. Well maybe a little. (Disclaimer  :  for all of eco-lover out there, don't worry, this guy were reusing used paper and have the intention the reuse it again.)

And as I promised in my previous post, here I present the video that Cinan and her other-half, Houman, made for me, you will see why there's no way I could top their video :
For a very personal reason, this video defines pure happiness to me. Thank you very much, cutest and smartest couple I've ever met :)

I want to thank you all and I want to thank Allah as well, Alhamdulillah :)

Friday, February 14, 2014

'92 Girls

So, my lovely girl crush is having her birthday today! She made me a lovely video (that I will post here sooner or later :D) and I really couldn't make a better video than hers but I don't care :p I really miss our first moments together! And I kinda regret that we didn't spend enough time before I went to Thailand. Can't wait for next month!

So Nostalgic. Very Wet. Much Dreams.

And I am really proud to say that my very first collaboration with my SO, Nof, is dedicated to you!

What I did is only making the digital version of Cinan in a very long amount of time, meanwhile Nof, he basically did everything from sketching, making background, and finishing the artwork in no time :))

Happy birthday, talented girl! Hope you can ace your life, bon courage!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Maybe it's a bit early to say this

Kalau suatu saat nanti kamu bosan sama aku, semoga bukan karena :
aku sering ngambek karena hal-hal kecil
aku sering mengeluh
aku jarang mandi dan keramas
aku sering mengucapkan kata-kata kasar
aku kurus dan hitam dan sering sakit
aku terlalu banyak bermimpi tanpa beraksi
aku terlalu banyak meminta
seperti kali ini aku akan meminta, meminta kamu supaya jangan bosan sama aku.

Sudah itu saja.
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